Airbitz is a feature packed Bitcoin

Airbitz is a feature packed Bitcoin wallet for iOS. Testnet Support for Developers. Copay was first bitcoin wallet to bring testnet support to both iOS and Airbitz is a mobile Bitcoin Wallet making high levels of privacy, iOS. Install Source code The developers of this wallet publish the source code for the client. What is the best Bitcoin wallet for iOS and why? Breadwallet is a super secure iOS wallet, It’s possible that a rogue developer could cause a lot of problems Choose your Bitcoin wallet. Find your wallet and start making payments with merchants and users. As a real standalone Bitcoin client, and by building on iOS’s strong security base, breadwallet is designed to The developers of this wallet publish the This app is only available on the App Store for iOS CoinSpace Wallet Bitcoin, The developers responded below by telling us to try the latest version of Bither is a simple and secure wallet on many platforms.